Hi all,
I had recently put out a call on Nextdoor asking for donations that would help us to acquire two hedge trimmers for our buckwheat, mustard, and star thistle issues. Nick had also made a verbal request at the last MET meeting, both calls were pleasantly answered by generous donors. It is happy news to say that many came together from our community and also from neighborhood communities to make our ownership of these tools into a reality.
As things stand right now, we are awaiting best quotes for a bundle package that will include the trimmers as well as related harnesses and safety equipment needed. We will then get approval from the board, and then onto our projects. I, for one, am chomping at the bit to get started using this awesome equipment, however, as we all know, there is due process.
Thank you to all who have sacrificed of your time and money to make this part of our project a reality. Your care makes all the difference.
We are picking up the new equipment 9/27/2017 YAY!!!